How To Run Ads on Instagram in 2023: A Complete Guide

How To Run Ads On Instagram In 2023: A Complete Guide

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Are you ready to turn your Instagram addiction into a profitable obsession? Buckle up, because in this 'How to Run Ads on Instagram in 2023: A Complete Guide,' we're about to transform your scrolling habits from double-tapping memes to double-tapping profits! So, grab your favourite filter, because we're diving headfirst into the world of Instagram advertising – where 'likes' turn into 'leads,' and 'shares' become 'sales.'

Why wait any longer? Right here, right now, let's get started on this wild ride through the ad-filled wonderland of Instagram. Your business is about to go viral, one scroll at a time!

What is Instagram Advertising?

Instagram advertising is a paid method of promoting your company or products on Instagram. When you run an Instagram ad, it will display in the feeds of users who are interested in what you're offering. On Instagram, you can target your ads to certain demographics, interests, and even historical activity.

Types of Instagram Ads

Instagram offers a variety of ad formats to suit different marketing objectives and engage users in various ways. Here are the main types of Instagram ads for business:

1. Photo ads: Photo ads are the most basic type of Instagram ad. They are made up of a single image or photo with a caption. Photo advertising is an excellent alternative for businesses who want to showcase their products or services.

2. Video ads: Video ads are more interesting than photo advertisements and can be used to convey a story or demonstrate your product in action. Video ads are a good option for businesses that want to create a more visually appealing ad.

Video Ad

3. Carousel ads: In a carousel ad, you can display multiple images or videos at once. This is a good option for businesses that want to showcase a variety of products or services or tell a more detailed story.

Carousel Ad

4. Stories ads: Stories ads appear at the top of the Stories feed and disappear after 24 hours. This is a good option for businesses that want to reach people who are active on Instagram but may not be checking their feeds regularly.

Story Ad

5. Reels ads: Instagram ads on Reels are short, looping videos that appear in the Instagram  Reels feed. This is a great option for businesses looking to build more engaging and aesthetically appealing advertisements.

Reels ad

Why Should you Invest in it?

Investing in Instagram ads can be highly beneficial for businesses and individuals looking to promote their products, services, or personal brand. Here are several compelling reasons why you should consider investing in Instagram advertising:

  1. Instagram has a large and engaged audience. 
  2. Instagram ads are highly targeted. 
  3. Instagram ads are affordable. 
  4. Instagram ads can be used to achieve a variety of goals. 
  5.  Instagram ads can be set up and managed easily.

To make the most of Instagram advertising, be sure to read the "Do's And Don'ts Of Instagram Marketing".

How to Create Instagram Ads 2023?

Creating Instagram ads involves several steps to set up your ad campaign, design your ad content, define your audience, and manage your budget. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create Instagram ads:

Step 1: Set Up a Business Account on Instagram

If you don't already have one, convert your personal Instagram profile into a business account or create a new business account. This provides access to additional features and tools for advertising.

Step 2: Connect Your Instagram Account to Facebook

Facebook Ads Manager is used to manage Instagram ads, so you'll need to link your Instagram account to your Facebook page. This integration allows you to create and run ads seamlessly.

Step 3: Access Facebook Ads Manager

Log in to your Facebook Ads Manager account at Meta ads Manager. This is where you'll create and manage your Instagram ad campaigns.

Step 4: Create a New Instagram Ad Campaign

To start, go to Meta Ads Manager and click on "+Create." This action initiates the process of setting up your new Instagram ad campaign.

Step 5: Choose Your Advertising Objective 

Select your campaign objective based on your goals. Common objectives include brand awareness, traffic to your website, lead generation, conversions, and more. Your choice here will determine how your ad is optimized and measured.

Let's go down each common advertising objective on Instagram along with examples:

1. Brand Awareness

  • Objective: This objective is used to increase the visibility and recognition of your brand among a broader audience.
  • Example: Suppose you're a new fashion brand looking to introduce your products to a wider audience. You can run Instagram ads featuring your unique clothing designs to users who are likely to be interested in fashion.

2. Traffic:

  • Objective: This aims to drive users to visit your website, blog, or landing page.
  • Example: If you have a blog with informative content related to health and fitness, you can create Instagram ads with intriguing headlines and images that encourage users to click through to read your articles.

3. Lead Generation:

  • Objective: This objective is ideal for collecting user information, such as email addresses, to build your subscriber list or reach out to potential customers.
  • Example: Imagine you run a software company. You can create Instagram ads offering a free ebook on a trending tech topic. Users interested in the ebook can submit their email addresses to access it. 

4. Conversions:

  • Objective: It's used to encourage specific actions on your website or app, such as making a purchase, signing up, or completing a form.
  • Example: If you're an online retailer, you can run Instagram ads that showcase your products with clear "Shop Now" buttons, directing users to your e-commerce site to make a purchase.

5. App Installs:

  • Objective: This objective aims to drive users to install your mobile app.
  • Example: Suppose you have a fitness app. You can create Instagram ads highlighting its features and benefits, with a direct link to download the app from the App Store or Google Play.

6. Video Views:

  • Objective: It aims to increase the number of views on your video content.
  • Example: If you're a cooking channel on YouTube, you can create short, engaging recipe videos and promote them on Instagram to increase video views and attract a larger audience to your channel.

Step 6: Name Your Campaign

Give your campaign a clear and descriptive name. This helps you easily identify and manage multiple campaigns in the future.

Step 7: Define Your Audience

Specify your target audience by selecting demographics (age, gender, location), interests, behaviours, and other criteria. You can also create custom audiences or lookalike audiences based on your existing customer data.

Step 8: Set Your Ad Budget and Schedule

Choose your daily or lifetime campaign budget and a schedule for when you want your advertisements to appear. You can choose from different bidding strategies, such as manual bidding or automatic bidding.

Step 9: Choose Ad Placements

Select "Edit Placements" to choose where your Instagram ads will appear. You can opt for Instagram feed, Instagram Stories, Facebook, Audience Network, and more. For Instagram-specific ads, make sure to select the Instagram placements.

Step 10: Create Your Ad Creative

Here's where you design your ad content. Depending on your campaign objective, you can create photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, Stories ads, or other formats. Customize your ad with eye-catching visuals and compelling ad copy. Include a clear Call to Action (CTA) to encourage users to take the desired action.

Step 11: Add Relevant Links and Call-to-Action Buttons

If your goal is to drive website traffic or conversions, make sure to include the appropriate website links and select a CTA button that aligns with your objective, such as "Learn More," "Shop Now," or "Sign Up."

Step 12: Review and Publish Your Ad

Double-check your ad settings, targeting options, and creative elements. Once you're satisfied with your ad, click the "Publish" or "Submit" button to launch your campaign.

Step 13: Monitor and Optimize

Regularly check the performance of your Instagram ads using Facebook Ads Manager. Analyze metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and engagement. Make data-driven adjustments to optimize your ad campaigns for better results.

How much does Instagram advertising cost?

The cost of Instagram ads depends on a number of factors, including your ad objective, targeting, and bidding strategy.

  1. Ad objective: The cost of your Instagram ads will vary depending on your ad objective. For example, ads that are designed to generate leads will typically cost more than ads that are designed to increase brand awareness.
  2. Targeting: The more specific your targeting, the more you will pay per click or impression. For example, if you target your ads to people who have visited your website in the past, you will likely pay more than if you target your ads to people who are interested in a general topic.
  3. Bidding strategy: You can choose to pay for your Instagram ads on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis or a cost-per-impression (CPM) basis. With CPC bidding, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. With CPM bidding, you pay every time your ad is shown.

Generally speaking, Instagram ads are relatively affordable. You can start running Instagram ads with a budget of just $5 per day.


Running Instagram ads can be a great way to reach your target audience and grow your business. By following these tips, you can create effective Instagram ads that will help you achieve your business goals.

       "When it comes to Instagram ads, remember: It's not about the filter; it's about the dollars."

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