What Makes For An Excellent Website Design?

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No matter if your goal is to increase your brand awareness or to promote sales of your products/service, building a user-friendly website is a mandate in this digital era. As many as 80% of people look for details online about the brand or company before they decide to shop & consume them. The following shall give you an overview of the factors that make up for a good website design.

Minimum features, Maximum value!
If you look at the websites that have reached a large number of users, they have designs that are simple and clean yet serving the main purpose of the customer. Good websites have no distracting elements. You don’t have to build a website with a variety of features, but work on building only the critical elements that the user would need. You should work on enhancing the value deliverables and readability while making it convenient for the user to navigate and make a quick purchase decision. 

Consistency is vital!
Maintaining consistency in themes, fonts, layouts, and other design elements across all your pages. Making a plan beforehand would enable you to maintain the font and size of headings, sub-headings and button styles throughout the website. Having an altogether different color scheme or layout for different landing pages will only confuse the visitor and they may begin to think that they have landed on a different website. 

Quality images convey a quick message!
Having a good quality picture shall transfer the message quicker than the large blocks of text. Choose images of high resolution, which can appropriately convey the core message and shall fit in the context of that page. You may also choose to replace the text with appealing infographics, which is better than the conventional style of writing paragraphs. 

Readability and Usability is the motto!
Before you start building the website, brainstorm as to “Who is the target reader of this website? What is the core message that should reach him?”. Having a proper aesthetic improves the readability of the web page. Keep your typography readable for visitors, with fonts that are easier to read and color palettes that are appealing. Poor font or color combinations will only distract the user. Use bold/bright colors to call for action while avoiding such colors at the background. Warm tones like pink, yellow energize people, while others like green, purple keep them calm. Do proper research before deciding on the palette and focus on hues from a single-family. 

Build an accessible web design!
Web design experts say that users tend to abandon a website if it takes a long time [more than 3 seconds] to load, irrespective of the type of device. Large file sizes take longer to load. Make sure that you optimize images by reducing its size and scale. 

An excellent web page design is one that is easy to operate on all devices[mobile/desktop], on different operating systems, browsers, etc. Flexible designs aid in the generation of leads and their conversion.

Following the aforementioned techniques may help you build an effective website, but keep in mind that it has to be updated consistently to the latest trends to stand out in the competitive market. Choosing the best web design company with experienced professionals shall make this easier and more effective.

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